One of the great needs of our dangerous time is the need for us to rise up together and speak out publicly for justice, disarmament, peace, and creation. We may not need to try individually to be a “prophet,” but together we can be part of a prophetic community, the growing grassroots movement of nonviolence.

Pax Christi USA Ambassador of Peace John Dear will welcome fellow Ambassador of Peace Judith Kelly to share from her book, “Just Call Me Jerzy,” a biography written about one of the great prophets of our time: Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko of Poland. He was a beloved priest, bold political prophet, and a martyr of Gospel nonviolence.

>>Saturday, May 11, 11 AM Pacific / 2 PM Eastern. Use this link to register.

It is not enough for a Christian to condemn evil, cowardice, lies, and use of force, hatred, and oppression. He [or she] must at all times be a witness to and defender of justice, goodness, truth, freedom, and love. He [or she] must never tire of claiming these values as a right both for themselves and others.

Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko

After he was brutally murdered in 1984 for his public support of the Solidarity movement in Poland, more than one million people gathered at his funeral and pledged to carry on the movement. “An idea which needs rifles to survive dies of its own accord,” he taught. He was right. Come and learn about Fr. Jerzy.

The Beatitudes Center will send the zoom link a few days beforehand, so be on the lookout, and a recording link afterwards. Register here.

Cost is $30; scholarships are available. If you have questions, email Kassandra at

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