For quickest response, email us at for all questions except those related to sales. We will typically respond in 48-72 hours.


Our sales take place through a third-party vendor. We do not have a customer service department in office, but will answer questions as able. Sales questions should be directed to We are not able to respond on the weekends but will typically respond in 48-72 hours, or on Monday or Tuesday for weekend emails.


Pax Christi USA
415 Michigan Ave, NE, Suite 240
Washington, D.C. 20017


We recommend trying us by email at for quickest response. The office phone number is 202-635-2741. If there is no answer, please leave a message in the general mailbox. Weekend calls will be returned at the beginning of the next week.

If your matter is urgent, contact Johnny Zokovitch, Executive Director, at 352-219-8419 or