To celebrate 50 years of weaving peace throughout our PCUSA grassroots network, we welcomed video contributions from our local groups, high school and college chapters, religious communities, Catholic Worker Houses, and state chapters!

We invited local communities to respond to the following prompts:

  • What do you want the PCUSA family to know about your local group?
  • When was it founded?
  • Who are some of your local peacemakers?
  • What are some of the initiatives, priorities, or actions that you are working on?
  • What is a moment of peace that you would like to celebrate in your chapter’s history?
  • Describe something that the national office has done that you’ve appreciated.
  • Is there a way that your chapter has responded to Bryan Massingale’s challenges to PCUSA? 

>> Bryan N. Massingale in 2013: “If Pax Christi is to be relevant and on the frontier as a  Catholic peacemaking movement with justice then it has to become more intersectional in both theory and practice.”

>> Bryan N. Massingale in 2021 upon receiving the Pax Christi USA Teacher of Peace Award: “The greatest threat to peace is white nationalism. The crises that face us, militarism, racism, ecology, and poverty are interlocking, overlapping and compounded… Genuine peace, the goal, dream, and passion of Pax Christi is impossible without a cultural evolution so profound and far reaching it is almost impossible to envision and terrifying to envision…

We received many videos, all of which can be found on the local video YouTube playlist!

This is just one of 14 videos on the local group playlist.
Visit the Pax Christi USA YouTube page to see more.

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