nuclear-weapons-free-zonePax Christi USA has signed onto a letter from Catholic communities in the United States asking Secretary John Kerry to take specific steps toward disarmament at the Preparatory Committee of the Non-Proliferation Treaty meeting beginning next week at the UN.

The letter reads, in part:

As the leadership of Catholic communities and organizations in the United States, we are sending this letter in collaboration with the World Council of Churches and its member churches. It is an inter-regional call for action by a variety of churches that are also contacting their governments.

We would like to begin by expressing our disappointment that the United States did not take part in the 2nd International Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons in Nayarit, Mexico, in February. The meeting clarified critical nuclear challenges by bringing together a significant cross-section of the international community for an evidence-based accounting of what nuclear weapons do to people, societies and the environment…

Click here to read the entire letter.

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