Pax Christi USA, the national Catholic peace movement, has recognized Mary Catherine Bunting as the 2024 recipient of the Pax Christi USA Teacher of Peace award, its highest honor. Ms. Bunting is a long-time member who has spent her life dedicated to those who live on the margins.

“Pax Christi USA’s Teachers of Peace teach us about peacemaking in a variety of ways which impact our society for the greater good,” said Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv., Bishop-President of Pax Christi USA. “Through a life of service and commitment to justice as well as in her extraordinary philanthropic legacy, Mary Catherine Bunting teaches how to help create a more peaceful world.”

Past recipients of the Teacher of Peace award, which was first presented in 1978, include Dorothy Day, Archbishop Tom Gumbleton, Sr. Helen Prejean, and Sr. Dianna Ortiz, among many other notables.

“The way Mary Catherine has drawn close to the most marginalized peoples, from faithfully serving in her parish’s soup kitchen in Baltimore and taking homeless women to the movies — to traveling to El Salvador and Nicaragua to stand in solidarity with movements on the front lines of justice struggles — she inspires beyond measure,” said Jean Stokan, Justice Coordinator for Immigration and Nonviolence for the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and former Pax Christi USA staff member and national council member. “The size of her heart, too, is reflected in her generous philanthropy, sustaining so many efforts that simply would not be as strong without her support and encouragement. Humble beyond measure, Mary Catherine serves as a model, a teacher of peace for us all.”

A lifelong Maryland resident, Mary Catherine Bunting, now 87 years old, first worked as a nurse during her time as a member of the Sisters of Mercy, and then became a nurse practitioner serving in South Baltimore. Maureen Daly, who nominated Ms. Bunting, shared that Ms. Bunting’s nursing work brought her to struggling communities where many people lacked the resources to properly monitor their health, and that as a longtime member of Baltimore’s St. Vincent de Paul parish, she has been engaged in work for justice for many years – including as a founding member of the racial justice circle in Baltimore – and has participated in efforts for peace and conflict resolution; against sexism and poverty; for housing justice; for care of the environment; and for universal health care. She has been a consistent volunteer with hospice patients and with programs for those who are homeless – she is known to share vegetables from her garden.

Born into a wealthy family, Ms. Bunting chose to direct her resources to addressing social injustice and fostering peace, providing significant financial gifts that have made a difference to many programs and in many lives. She donated the funds for the Mary Catherine Bunting building at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore, has endowed both scholarships for nursing students and public health initiatives for children from birth through age 5, and founded and funded the peace studies minor at Loyola University of Maryland, to name only a few of the programs which have received her financial support.

“I was amazed to be chosen when I saw the list of names of those who had been nominated, incredible people who put their life on the line working for peace and justice,” said Ms. Bunting. “I hope and pray that I will continue working for peace and justice for the rest of my days.”

This year’s Teacher of Peace award will be presented to Ms. Bunting during Pax Christi USA’s virtual national conference, to be held September 6-7.

Pax Christi USA is deeply grateful for all who were nominated for this year’s award — they exemplify the wide range of committed peacemakers and servant leaders in our movement. For a full list of this year’s nominees, click here.

Excerpted from Maureen Daly’s nomination of Mary Catherine Bunting for the 2024 Teacher of Peace Award:

Mary Catherine Bunting has been a member of the peace and justice committee of St Vincent de Paul parish for about 40 years. She founded and funded the peace studies program at Loyola University of Maryland. She is a founding member of the racial justice circle in Baltimore. She has gone on a mission trip to San Juan de Limay, Nicaragua to observe the solidarity efforts there. She has been active in Pax Christi and in women’s ordination actions. For decades she worked as a home visiting nurse in very poor South Baltimore. Before that, for at least 10 years, she was a nurse and member of the Sisters of Mercy. She taught in the nursing school of Mercy Hospital in Baltimore. She donated the money to build the Mary Catherine Bunting building at Mercy Hospital. Born into a family of wealth, she has always worked with the poor. At St Vincent de Paul parish she serves dinner every Friday to about 200 people. She works with others as just another volunteer, even at age 87.”

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10 thoughts on “Pax Christi USA recognizes Mary Catherine Bunting with the 2024 Teacher of Peace Award

  1. That is such wonderful news. Congratulations to Mary Catherine! In deep gratitude for the many ways you have made this world a more just and peaceful place!

  2. What a joy and blessing it would be if we had people like Mary Catherine Bunting in our government. While this is probably wishful thinking, nevertheless we can be grateful that she is among us, lifting up the most in need, like a true disciple of Saint Francis of Assisi. Congratulations on your award, Ms Mary Catherine!
    David-Ross Gerling, PhD

  3. Simply amazing!! The Saints and Angels are celebrating in harmony with you and all of us for this recognition!

  4. Well-deserved, dear Mary Catherine! Your steadfast discipleship of love and care is an inspiration to us all. I am grateful to bear witness to all you do, and to who you are. And I’m honored to count you as a friend.

  5. Congratulations to Mary Catherine, such an incredibly generous person who has walked the walk of peace and justice for so many years with humility and love.

  6. Dear Mary Catherine,
    I’ve been fortunate enough not to have ever lived on the margin. Nevertheless, I will never forget the no-interest loan that you (your private enterprise) gave me, so that I could secure my dental surgery. How generous of you! So happy for your award.

  7. Dear friend, I am so grateful to have you in my life and so proud of all you have done as you witness the great need around you. I pray for blessings and love in abundance for you as you lead by example. My heart shares your joy!

  8. It has been a gift to have Mary Catherine not only as a friend, but also as a colleague as we worked together in South Baltimore for many years. She gifted so many of the patients with her love and her expertise and will always be remembered. This award is so well-deserved.

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