Throughout the Lenten season, we will post reflections for holy days and Sundays from both this year’s Lenten reflection booklet, Witnesses on the way, which includes all-new reflections written by National Council Chair Charlene Howard and her husband Michael Howard (and daily reflections from newly-named Ambassadors of Peace) and from previously published Lenten booklets, such as the one below, written by M. Shawn Copeland in 2003Click here to see all reflections as they are posted as well as links to other Lenten resources on our Lent 2023 webpage.

REFLECTION FOR Good Friday, April 7, 2023

by M. Shawn Copeland, originally published in 2003

Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 | Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9 | John 18:1 – 19:4

Today, the suffering, violence and brutality that we human beings inflict on one another are caught up in the memorial of the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. God in human flesh embraces his fate and takes up his cross for love of us.

black chain

Enslaved Africans in the United States knew in their flesh what it meant to suffer. They never mitigated the horror, but they recognized their own suffering in Jesus’s torture and death. Forbidden by law and custom to learn to read and write, these humble women and men listened with open hearts and keen ears to sermons that treated the passion and death of Jesus. Their oppression gave them an epistemological privilege – they understood his vulnerability and pain, they grasped his love. They took comfort from his loving solidarity and, in return, sought to comfort him. They poured out their love in songs and moans that transcended the boundaries of time and space. As Jesus stood with them in their sufferings, they would stand with Jesus in his.

Here is one of the most famous of these great songs of sorrow:

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?
Were you there when they pierced Him in the side?
Were you there when the sun refused to shine?
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?

In this spiritual, the enslaved people comment on each act in the crucifixion of Jesus and name its effects in the natural world (the sun refused to shine), and in the heart and body of the believer (it causes me to tremble). Through the repeated inquiry, “Were you there?”, they invite each of us to stand at Golgotha, to admit our collusion in its evil. John Lovell, the foremost historian of the Negro or African-American spiritual, writes that in these lyrics, the makers of the spiritual show us a grave and “great wrong [being] committed under the eyes of frightened or uncaring people.” The crucifixion of this innocent man is an offense against the whole of humanity. We all share in the guilt, “not so much for what we do, as what we allow to happen.”

On this Good Friday, let us kneel before the broken, crucified body of Jesus. Let us kneel before the disappeared and murdered bodies of thousands of peasants, workers, vowed religious sisters and brothers, ministers and priests in Latin America; the raped and abused bodies of young boys and girls and women who have survived sexual assault by clergy venture church workers; the torn bodies of prostitutes forced to trade themselves for survival; the rejected bodies of gay men and lesbians; the swollen bodies of children dying in hunger; the scarred and bruised bodies of women, men and children suffering with AIDS; the despised bodies of red and brown and black and yellow women and men. To kneel before these bodies is a first step in grasping our collusion in their suffering and death; it is a first step in grasping the absolute gratuitous love of the crucified Jesus. Let us kneel in love and thanksgiving for the wondrous love of God.

Quotations from: John Lovell, Black Song: The Forge and the Flame: How the Afro-American Spiritual Was Hammered Out (New York: Macmillian, 1972), 303.

>> Click here to see more resources for prayer, study and action this Lenten season.

>> Join the Virtual Good Friday Way of the Cross for Economic and Ecological Justice, April 7, noon-1 PM Eastern, organized by the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; Pax Christi USA is one of the participating organizations. Use this link to register.

M. Shawn Copeland, PhD is a retired womanist and Black Catholic theologian. She is professor emerita of theology at Boston College whose research interests converge around issues of theological and philosophical anthropology and political theology, as well as African-American intellectual history. She is a former convenor of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium and a former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America.

3 thoughts on “Reflection for Good Friday, April 7, 2023

  1. beautiful reflection just needs update in some language ‘gay men and lesbians’ phrase please

  2. This is the Good Friday commemoration of Jesus’ crucifixion in modern dress. Well done -gracias Fr. Joe Mattern Casa Esther Catholic Worker

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