from Witness Against Torture

5-23-14-may23_poster-272x325Today, people in over 40 cities across seven countries will take to the streets calling on President Obama to make good on his commitment to close Guantanamo. One year ago on May 23rd, President Obama once again promised to close the detention facility in a speech at the National Defense University. One year later, with 154 men still remaining, 76 of whom have been cleared for release, Witness Against Torture, Code Pink, The Center for Constitutional Rights, World Can’t Wait, and more than 30 other groups are banding together to say “Not Another Broken Promise!”   

There is no excuse for keeping Guantanamo open. The President has the power to shutter the prison and end this United States nightmare of torture and force-feeding. One year later, we continue to indefinitely detain “people who have been charged with no crime on a piece of land that is not a part of our country.”  Today, we are asking you to join your voice with ours and say “Not another day in Guantanamo!”

There are three things you can do to participate in this global call to action to close Guantanamo…

Click here to read the three things you can do today to close Guantanamo.

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