4 thoughts on “REFLECTION: Seeds in Good Soil – Best kept secret

  1. Tom, I am looking forward to your future reflections. Remembering my time in the US in parish ministry, I found that what is important is helping people to an integral conversion. It’s not enough to talk about justice or even be in contact with the poor (both essential, in my mind). What may be most important is building relationships: a relationship with God – and especially with Jesus, God become poor; a relationship with others in one’s parish in small communities; a relationship with the poor, not just “helping them,” but becoming friends. This is not easy, because it’s a long process of conversion.

  2. Part of the problem lies in that “we” can’t point fingers if we’re being just. It’s so much more exciting to say that people who provide abortions or birthcontrol are bad and “we” are good. Not so easy to discuss human trafficking or just wages and working conditions. Those topics make us challenge our assumptions and could make us uncomfortable. “We” go to church to feel good ! “We” want to hear the “good news” !!

  3. Tom this blog thread is something I look forward to. Like so many who have found themselves aching for peace and for justice, as we understand it from the Good News and find often well-expressed in Catholic Social Teaching, we have equally found ourselves either as outcasts or as the crazy few. And I have seen how quickly a parish energized by a prophetic pastor can quickly deteriorate to an inward-focused parish once he is gone. I think Betsie Walen expressed it well above. The injustice and violence make us uncomfortable; but the few of us somehow accept that. The soil that will nourish the seeds of every parishioner to also accept that discomfort (and act on it) does not seem to be there. I hope maybe you will be talking about ways to enrich the soil.

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